How Can an Uber Accident Lawyer Help Me?

The Benefits of Hiring a Lyft and Uber Accident Lawyer

Uber accident cases

Millions of Uber and Lyft trips are completed each year, making rideshare services one of the most popular ways to get around in the U.S. Rideshare companies are especially popular in Orange County and Anaheim, where millions of tourists visit each year. 

However, getting into an Uber or Lyft car as a passenger or driver does come with certain risks. Inexperienced drivers, congested traffic, and distraction are all leading causes of car and rideshare accidents. If you were involved in a rideshare accident and sustained injuries, you may be wondering whether you need legal assistance. Find out how an experienced Uber accident lawyer can help you. 

Leading Causes of Uber Accidents in California

Unlike taxi drivers, Lyft and Uber drivers do not have to undergo extensive training to use the apps. It is also important to note that many drivers spend their entire day transporting passengers across town. Some of the most common causes of rideshare accidents in California are: 

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Fatigued driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Road or vehicle defects
  • Unfamiliarity with route

If you think your accident was caused by one of these factors, call our experienced Uber accident attorneys today. We always offer a free consultation.

Why You Need an Experienced Uber Accident Lawyer in Anaheim

Uber accident lawyers

Understanding of the Law

Ridesharing accidents are different from regular car accidents because they involve multiple parties and insurance policies. Depending on the status of the Uber driver at the time when the accident occurred (whether they were logged into the app, waiting for a ride request, or transporting a passenger), different levels of coverage may apply.

For example, Lyft and Uber provide up to $1 million in liability coverage for their drivers when they are carrying passengers and using the Lyft or Uber app, but only $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident when they are waiting for a ride request. When they are offline, only their personal auto insurance applies.

Additionally, California law requires ridesharing companies to conduct background checks on Lyft and Uber drivers, maintain records of their trips, and cooperate with law enforcement in case of an accident. However, they also classify their drivers as independent contractors rather than employees, which means they may try to avoid responsibility for their actions.

A Lyft and Uber accident lawyer in Anaheim can help you understand the applicable laws and regulations that govern your case. They can also help you determine who is liable for your damages and how to prove it.


Ridesharing accidents can be complex and challenging to handle on your own. You may face multiple insurance companies, adjusters, lawyers, and representatives from Lyft or Uber who may try to deny or minimize your claim. You may also encounter difficulties in obtaining evidence, such as Uber or Lyft driver records, app data, dashcam footage, or witness statements.

An Anaheim Lyft and Uber accident lawyer has the experience and resources to handle these challenges effectively. They know how to deal with the insurance company and negotiate for a fair settlement. They also know how to gather and preserve evidence that can support your claim. They can also take your case to court if necessary and fight for your rights before a judge or jury.

Protect Your Interests

Ridesharing accidents can cause serious injuries that can affect your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. You may incur medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses that can impact your quality of life.

A Lyft and Uber accident lawyer can help you protect your interests and recover the fair compensation you deserve. They can help you calculate the full extent of your damages and pursue all available sources of recovery. They can also help you avoid common mistakes that can jeopardize your claim, such as accepting a lowball offer.

Stay on Deadline

There is a limited time to file a claim in California. Rideshare accident victims have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. Once that two-year period has passed, you lose the right to pursue compensation.

How to Find an Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer in Anaheim

Rideshare accident attorney

If you suffered injuries in a ridesharing accident in Anaheim or anywhere else in California, you need to act quickly and contact an experienced Uber accident attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you get legal representation, the better your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Our personal injury law firm is located in Anaheim and serves clients throughout California. We have a team of dedicated and compassionate attorneys who specialize in personal injury cases, including ridesharing accidents. We have a proven track record of success and have recovered millions of dollars for our clients.

Our Uber accident lawyer offers a free, no-obligation consultation and works on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay anything unless we win your case.

Don’t let a ridesharing accident ruin your life. Contact Katella Injury Attorneys today and let us fight for you while you focus on your recovery.

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